Omelette Muffins

Breakfast…the most important meal of the day. It truly is! We fuel our bodies with that first bite of whatever we eat in the morning. Yet, so many of us skip it all together and try to survive off a coffee or tea or grab something convenient at the drive-thru. Coffee and muffin anyone for $1.99 or Egg muffin sandwich?

We are all so pressed for time in the morning. Alarm goes off, check emails, news or social media on our phone (or me…what’s the WOD today), get up, shower, get dressed, grab lunch, get the kids off to school, fight traffic and rush to get to your desk before your boss see’s you get in late. We are master at multi-tasking in the morning.

How can we make sure we have a healthy breakfast morning?

Two simple words…

MEAL PREP! We live and breathe by meal prep in our house (took some convincing). I have been living this way for years and it is the key to my success. Knowing what I’m eating so I always have good meals / food on-hand so I have no excuse to not eat healthy.

Here is a recipe for Omelette Muffins that I make weekly on Sunday’s and keep in the fridge so its an easy grab and go. This recipe is so versatile that you can change it up weekly by adding feta, spinach, asparagus to a western omelette or smoked salmon with red onions…

Omelette Muffin

10 – 12 eggs (You can also substitute with eggs whites)

½ cup Diced Onions

½ Red pepper (or whatever you like)

6 Mushrooms

½ Red Onion

6-7 slices Bacon (read the label to make sure there is no sugar)

Couple handful of spinach (baby or regular is fine)

12 pieces of thin sliced ham

½ cup cheese **Optional. I don’t add cheese to mine.

Salt & pepper to taste

**Feel free to add any veggies you like in your omelette in replacement of any of the above. I like to sneak in spinach as it’s a great way to get greens in the morning.

What you’ll need:

Muffin tins

Non-stick spray (or if you’re lucky silicone muffin cups)


Frying pan


Cutting board

1. Preheat oven to 350F

2. Spray muffin tins with non-stick spray OR insert silicon muffin cups if you have them.

3. Place the slices of ham into each muffin cup so it is fully lined with the ham to prevent the egg from sticking. This I learned was KEY to a fast easy clean-up.

4. Cook the bacon in the frying pan.

5. While the bacon is cooking, whisk the cracked eggs into a large bowl. You will use this to add all the ingredients after so make sure the bowl is large enough.

6. Dice the vegetables.

7. Remove bacon from the frying pan and drain the fat.

8. Add the diced vegetables to the same pan (I hate having to wash a second pan) and cook until slightly softened. About 3-5 mins on medium heat.

9. Chop the cooked bacon and add to the whisked eggs.

10. Once the veggies are cooked add to the eggs and bacon.

11. Add spinach and whisk.

12. Measure out evenly into the muffin cups. Fill to the top as much as possible.

13. Back in the oven for 12-15 mins. They are done when the middles are firm to the touch.

They make approximately 12 muffins.

I pack mine in a container for the week. I’ve never had an issue with eating them 5 days later.


#muffinomelette #omelette #breakfast #cleaneating #simplerecipe#thisisalifestyle #healthyeating

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